Finding Balance…


*Physical equilibrium*Stability produced by even distribution of weight on each side of a vertical axis*aesthetically pleasing integration of elements*mental and emotional steadiness 

How do you define balance? To me balance means that all of the parts of me…physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, are all in sync with one another.  Defining it is the easy part. The harder part, creating that sense of equilibrium. Believe it or not, it’s all about equality. Each of these “parts” of ourselves need to be given equal attention. To spend too much time focusing on one and not the other is enough to throw off our balance. What are you doing to take care of all of your parts? 

Here are suggestions for what you can do every day to align your parts and create balance:

Exercise – just 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise will help to keep your physical body healthy. 

Think – taking time to learn something new each day can strengthen your mind and keep it active. Read…do a crossword puzzle…listen to a podcast… 

Feel – Allow yourself to actually feel your emotions. Express what you are feeling and move through it. Journal…talk to someone…let yourself go there 

Meditate – just as little as 5 -10 minutes a day of “quiet time” will help you to get in touch with your inner self.  We all have time for what we believe to be important.

Finding the time to maintain balance is essential to fostering and maintaining optimal wellness!  What can you start to do today to bring back balance to your life? Choose one thing that you can do…and just do it! 

Make a commitment to yourself for yourself!